Did you know that DiscountStripper.com offers steep discounts for businesses looking for wholesale dance costumes, wholesale lingerie, and wholesale costumes? You betcha! If you are a business looking to purchase in multiple quantities for an event, dance performance, or any of our attire required in bulk, then contact us to receive personal support for your business needs. You will be paired with one of our expert account managers who will provide top-notch customer service to help meet your desired time frame and business needs.
Discount Stripper is a women's online apparel store that offers sexy lingerie, costumes, dresses, swimwear, and rave and festival wear. While we are an online retailer, we can also assist with bulk discounts to other businesses or group needs. Our scope of wholesale service applies to the following list of requests (but not limited to):
- Wholesale Dance Costumes
- Wholesale Rave Outfits
- Wholesale Festival Outfits
- Wholesale Lingerie
- Wholesale Sexy Clubwear
- Wholesale Halloween Costumes
- Wholesale Sexy Swimwear
Our bulk discount program is not exclusive the list above, so if you have a request that falls outside of those then please let us know.
In order to get started with one of our expert account managers, please start by filling out the form below. We look forward to working with you!